Experience for pouring ready-mixed concrete in the hot weather in order not to make surface cracking.
The hot weather makes the construction of fresh concrete more difficult than normal temperature days. In a hot climate, water in concrete will evaporate very quickly. When the water evaporates quickly while the cement is not hydrated, it will lead to cracking phenomenon.
Causes of cracked concrete when the weather is hot
Concrete cracking has a great impact on the quality of the work
- Weather: In a very dry environment, water in the concrete evaporates quickly and it is not enough for the hydration, the concrete strength can stop and cause cracking.
- Construction: Construction workers let the slump so high that leads to too much cement floating on the concrete surface, making the concrete surface crack.
Construction workers want to make the surface of the structure easily, so they pump water onto the concrete surface. This makes the concrete mixture to split between cement mortar and aggregate, causing the surface to crack.
Plastering floor surface too well will make water and cement to separate and float on top of the concrete mixture, which shall easily crack the concrete.
- Mixing composition: the concrete used without additives is also the cause of structure cracking. When the concrete has no additives, its mixture cannot produce a thin film on its own, helping the concrete to cure itself and avoid dehydration.
Experience for pouring concrete in hot weather
If it is not necessary, you should not try to pour concrete during hot days. When construction is required, you can apply the following ways:
Thin nylon coating:
This maintenance is very important for pouring concrete in hot summer. Immediately after finishing the surface of the concrete (surface plastering), you must spread a thin layer of nylon on the surface of the concrete to retain water in the early stages of hydration.
Reapply the concrete surface:
After pouring concrete and making a preliminary surface, the concrete mixture begins to harden so you should plaster the surface again. For large projects, using surface plastering machines combined with additives will help cover the surface of the concrete structure not only from cracking but also to be firm.
For small houses, it is possible to use the trowel or plaster’s float for surface treatment, while remaking it, you can add a little cement to help the concrete structure have a better surface.
How to fix cracked surface when pouring concrete
- For structures requiring waterproof resistance: These structures are required to use bitumen and waterproof sheet, today there are many additives as well as units in this field.
- For other structures: For ones that do not require waterproof, it is possible to water a layer of cement water on the structure’s surface, so that such cracks will not affect the internal reinforcement.