Long Son Cement Company – Joining hands to build Compassion houses.

08/11/2018 11:13 179 views Category: COMMUNITY

In order to help the poor people in extremely difficult circumstances in their lives get houses against sunlight and rain and have conditions to rise in life, Long Son Cement Company has cooperated with Tam Diep City People’s Committee, Tam Diep City Fatherland Front and authorities of communes and wards to build and hand over 9 houses to poor households of the wards: Yen Binh, Tay Son, Nam Son, Trung Son, Yen Son and Tan Binh.


Handover Ceremony of Compassion House to families in extremely difficult circumstances in Yen Binh, Tay Son, Nam Son, Trung Son, Yen Son and Tan Binh wards – TP.Tem Diep

It is known that this is a meaningful community activity that Long Son Cement Company is deploying throughout the provinces and cities. And today 8/11/2018 9 houses continue to have been inaugurated and handed over to disadvantaged households. To support the construction work, Long Son Cement Company is a pioneer in supporting all material costs for construction, followed by local authorities, cousins and neighbors in the hamlet will continue to support the labor day to contribute to the construction completion. Therefore, when a project is completed, it is the effort of the whole community to support families with especially difficult circumstances. This activity of Long Son Cement Company is strongly supported by local authorities and regional mass organizations because of its deep humanity.

“No flour, no paste” that is the remark of Tam Diep city authorities at the ceremony of inauguration and handover of houses to households. Accordingly, from the amount of more than 300 million VND that Long Son Cement Company supported on the cost of materials for construction, after completing these 9 works, the value of the works has reached more than 1 billion. This shows that part of the cost that Long Son Cement invests in has brought a great benefit to poor people not only in terms of material value but also in great spiritual value.

In a statement from a family representing 9 households today, showing that: we have never been as happy as today, the house is our lifelong dream, and without support and sponsorship of Long Son Cement Company, we do not know when we will have a house like this. Thanks to Long Son Cement Company, thanking the authorities and organizations for helping us so that we can get the house today.

Indeed, for Long Son Cement, to join hands to help the community, help poor people with better conditions to rise up in that life is not only a joy but also a sense of responsibility to the community.



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