Long Son Cement Company – Visiting and giving gifts to Vietnamese Heroic mothers in 2020.

17/07/2020 14:50 76 views Category: COMMUNITY

After the resistance to French colonialism and the American invasion, beside the glorious victories for the nation, there is the silent pain of so many Vietnamese heroic mothers who sacrificed a lot for freedom of Vietnam and for the welfare of all Vietnamese people. To encourage them and share a small part of the difficulties with them, the representative of Long Son Cement Company visited and sent gifts to Vietnamese Heroic mothers who have been taken care of by the company since 2019.

1-xi-mang-long-son-tham-me-viet-nam-anh-hungMother Nguyen Thi Mua at Hop Tien commune, Trieu Son district, Thanh Hoa.

2-me-viet-nam-anh-hungMother Trinh Thi Mong at Minh Son commune, Trieu Son district, Thanh Hoa.

Accordingly, the company will support these old mothers VND 1,200,000 each month, and the representatives will visit and give the patronage amount to mothers on the occasion of Remembrance Day (July 27) and Lunar New Year. Taking care of the mothers is not only a responsibility but also an honor of the company. This is a meaningful activity, partially compensating for the pain and loss that the war has caused and helping them to have a stable life with good mind and health.

Lifelong looking after the mothers also shows our gratitude for the great merits and silent sacrifices of them for the national liberation, demonstrates the affection and responsibilities of the enterprise for the activity “returning favor”, which is a nice and humanistic action.


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