The huge benefits of utilizing waste heat from cement production to generate electricity in Long Son cement plant

20/01/2020 11:26 325 views Category: Specialized News

Long Son Cement Plant founded in Dong Son, Bim Son, Thanh Hoa since 2014 with the mission to supply high quality cement to the construction material market includes 2 synchronous production lines with total capacity of 14,000 tons cement per day or equivalent to 5 million tons cement per year. This made a milestone in the development of Long Son Co., Ltd. (Investor of Long Son Cement Plant) and contributes to create the largest cement industrial cluster in Bim Son, Thanh Hoa.

xi-mang-long-son-1579332271379-640x286Long Son Cement Plant

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Du – the Deputy Technical Director, without a heat recovery system, all the waste heat and exhaust gas from clinker production will be released directly into the environment, which causes air pollution-global warming as well as a waste of energy

tuabin-hoi-480x360Steam turbine and electric generator

Therefore, The Top Management of Long Son cement recognized this issue before the project started and made a design to integrate power plant inside to reuse its waste heat and convert thermal energy into electric energy
The system includes a boiler which vaporizes water into steam at high pressure to rotate propellers of turbine to generate electricity.
There are 2 waste heat recovery systems including SP system (absorbing heat from preheater tower) and AQC system (absorbing heat from rotary kiln and clinker cooling system).

noi-hoi-480x360AQC boiler absorbs waste heat from clinker cooling system

moi-hoi-SP-480x360SP boiler absorbs waste heat from preheater tower

With a designed capacity of 7 MW (megawatts) per line, Long Son Cement produced 115 million KW of electricity itself in 2019 saving VND 170 billion
ĐHTT-480x360Central control room

For some cement plants built a long time ago using old technology without power plant integrated, it’s quite difficult to change and add a WHR system to their current production lines due to incompatibility between technology of power plant and the cement plant. However, Long Son Cement made it possible because they designed it synchronously at the beginning.
The materials for production of Long Son cement are directly sourced from limestone mountain of Bim Son – Thanh Hoa, whose raw materials are highly recommended by Russian experts. Along with equipment and machines from famous brands in Germany and advanced manufacturing technology from Japan, Long Son Cement supplies to the market the best quality products. All of these key factors help the company build trust with domestic and international customers.
The company is supplying to the market many kinds of favored cement. They have excellent and suitable features for each construction category. PCB30 is suitable for the construction of buildings while PCB40 is advisable for important construction categories such as roofs, beams, columns. Cement in bulk is a favored product for concrete mixing stations because it always has high quality, following the requirements of each station.
With the volume of 14,000 tons per day, Long Son cement plant proves that its products are always qualified to meet the expectation of customers all around the world.
Long Son cement plant participated in many charity activities in 2019 such as awarding scholarships to less fortunate students in Thanh Hoa and Ninh Binh (VND 600 million/ area); constructing charity houses (VND 3,2 billion); presenting 8,000 shool bags to students; supporting people suffering from natural disasters in Quan Son and Muong Lat (VND 100 million/area); and as a gratitude to Vietnamese hero who sacrificed a lot for freedom of Vietnam and for the welfare of all Vietnamese people and help those are in need, 4 old mothers in Thanh Hoa received patronage from Long Son Cement (1.2 million dong/month).

Generally in 2019, Long Son Cement donated 5 billion to charitable work (not including cement support).


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