Useful and simple tips to reduce indoor pollution.

26/10/2021 14:26 26 views Category: ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING

Air pollution caused by smog and industrial emissions is becoming more and more serious. Air pollution causes respiratory diseases, especially in children and the elderly. Besides, it also causes many dangerous diseases such as cancer, infertility and mental illness. Many people think that air pollution only occurs outside factories and industrial zones without knowing that their own homes are also affected. To protect the health of your family members, please refer to some suggestions below.

What causes air pollution?


Air pollution in your home occurs due to many reasons such as:

– Mold caused by wet weather

– Cigarette smoke

– Pets: pet hair, bacteria on pets, …

– Wall paint: most wall paint contains lead – a substance that regular inhalation will be very dangerous.

– Detergents

– …

How to overcome and reduce air pollution in your home

  1. Open windows to increase ventilation. If you are cooking, it is very important to use an exhaust fan, because otherwise the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) level could exceed the pollution level on the street.
  2. Do not smoke or light candles in the house. If your home uses a wood-burning fireplace, make sure it is equipped and used properly. In addition, install a carbon monoxide (CO) detection system because carbon monoxide is considered a “silent killer” that leads to death.z2878556114341_9192480136a883112b9e0735a102d88d
  3. Use hard-surfaced floors for easy cleaning. You should also use special fabric carpets that can stick dirt and pet hair for not suspending in the air, contaminating the indoor space.
  4. Keep the humidity in the house between 30% and 50%, always make sure that the ventilation is suitable for humid places such as bathroom. This helps prevent mold, which is linked to respiratory symptoms and is one of the biggest contributors to indoor air pollution.
  5. Use doormats on the doorstep for members or visitors to clean their shoes or feet before entering the house. You should also arrange a shoe shelf near the door. However, this area must be cleaned regularly to avoid dust and mold.
  6. Minimize the use of products that clean or deodorize the air with chemical fragrance ingredients, especially those containing limonene (which creates a citrus scent for the space). Using these chemicals does not reduce indoor air pollution, but makes it worse.
  7. Planting some plants can purify air in the house. NASA and the BBC’s York University have studied that plants can reduce levels of organic compound formaldehyde in the home. You can grow plants like aloe vera, piper betle… because of its air-filtering effect.z2878556189472_f80754e959ba59002252dd60da476fbb


Air pollution in your home can be caused by smoke and dust from environment, but it can also be caused by your family’s living habits. Protect your family members from the smallest actions. The first is to reduce air pollution in your own home, then be conscious of protecting the public environment, avoid adverse effects on the environment to protect our planet.